Why Ant-Man Will Never Truly Be A Part Of The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Will Peyton Reed’s whimsical and watered-down “Ant-Man” further distance this already miniature property from the greater Marvel cinematic universe?
After much tribulation during pre-production, ranging from casting change-ups to creative issues which led to a new director, “Ant-Man” has finally given audiences a glimpse of what to except with a full theatrical trailer. The question is, will Reed’s seemingly silly interpretation of this signature super-small superhero fit into Marvel’s big picture of future cinematic projects?
If you ask me, “Ant-Man” is destined to standalone as an adolescent oriented one and done movie with no potential for longevity. Why? Here are three reasons.
1. Although it seems that they have stayed relatively close to the comics with the Scott Lang story-arc, there is room for only one major comic relief character and that title is so popularly held by RDJ’s silver tongued and bullheaded billionaire, Tony Stark. Bringing in another funnyman like Rudd will, in my opinion, damage the more serious tone of the upcoming Marvel properties, which we already know are headed towards a darker place. From what we see in the trailer “Ant-Man” and “Iron Man” have two distinctly different brands of humor, the former being much more childlike than the latter.
2. Joss Whedon has already written out a need for Hank Pym or “Ant-Man” in the greater Avenger’s story. If you are familiar with the comics, Hank Pym was the sole creator of the upcoming avengers villain Ultron (click Here to read more about Ultron). With Whedon’s amended Ultron back story, Pym has no hand in his creation, rather Ultron is a byproduct of Tony Stark tampering with Chitauri technology that was left behind from the bout with Loki in the first Avenger’s film.
3. The movie just looks bad. I was not expecting much upon learning that the director behind “Yes Man” would be taking the helm of “Ant-Man.” Perhaps the only criteria was having directed a film ending in ‘Man.’ In any case, this film seems to be a mix between “Toy Story” and “Real Soldiers” and not in a good way.
On top of all that, Reed has brought us a mangled version of Darren Cross as Yellow Jacket that is definitely not inline with the comics. Based on this trailer, “Ant-Man” seems much like a cheap attempt at copying the original “Iron Man” and geared towards a teenage audience with no thought of the adult crowd.
There is a Genius and a Corporate Executive.
Genius creates innovative Technology that Corporate Executive wants to adapt for military application, but Genius denies use of Technology to the great disdain of the Corporate Executive.
Corporate Executive creates an altered version of the Technology.
Corporate Executive uses the modified tech to literally fight Genius or Genius’ Assign.
Genius or Genius’ Assign prevails.
Cheap attempt may be an understatement. Nothing says badass like Paul Rudd in the Ant-Man Suit… cough … lame!
Oh shut the fuck up
Nope 🙂
I think the movie is going to be awesome and I think he will fit in the MCU just fine.
I think you’re totally wrong. It looks wonderful and funny, I’m very much interested in seeing this. Ant-Man will fit into the universe just fine, relax.
First you tell us there’s room for only one comic character in the MCU (which makes no sense, it’s a Comic universe!), then two sentences later you declare Iron Man and Ant Man to have two distinctly different brands of humor.
Get your argument straight.
Not to mention he must have forgotten a little movie called Guardians of the Galaxy!
I am not a huge fan of “Guardians of the Galaxy” either… if you take away the appeal of the catchy soundtrack (which a majority of people will cite as a top reason they enjoyed the movie) and take away the appeal of seeing familiar faces from other successful properties, then what you have is a rip-off of “Avengers.” Team of unlikely heroes brought together by a common enemy. If you have read “Guardians of the Galaxy (2008)” #1-12 by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, then you will quickly see that the film is a VERY watered attempt at the… Read more »
Well, I don’t regard critic’s opinions that highly anyway.
How surprising that a film critic disliked a movie that the majority found surprisingly great, smh. And it certainly was not an Avengers rip off. Completely different set of heros with different personalities and more of a comedic tone overall. It was a good movie. I would even argue the character development in that movie was much better than the original Avengers. Of course that is in part because most of the Avengers had already had their own individual movies.
Wow! You didn’t even watch GOTG, did you? There isn’t a single familiar face in that movie with the exception of The Other. It was the beauty of this film. It felt so far removed from the rest of the MCU and the “heroes” in this movie are fundamentally more flawed than the Avengers, which makes them interesting. They are not heroes, but some bad guys that band together to do some good.
Actually my argument is sound. When I say they have “two distinctly different brands of humor” I am implying that Paul Rudd’s is inferior. Hence the “Childlike” comment. When I say there is room for one comic character it does not imply that comedic stylings cannot be varied. Chris Rock is a comedian and so was Joan Rivers… are they not different, yet both comics? Get your “trolling” straight.
Ya…you must be a dc troll, cause this looks awsomne…and tony stark is sarcastic and confident where scott is quick witted humor from a clearly un confident background…tony stark was always a hero where scott has to rely on others. And that is just a few diffrences i notice from the trailers… [did you never see honey i shrunk the kids, come on…even your retort is lack luster]… And as DARK as marvel is gonna get soon, they need more humor. 1 and done, lol…duh dumbass…this movie is aetting up a character, not a franchise…spiderman this is not… When dr… Read more »
A glimpse of my “sad life…”
Regarding point 2, yes it is true that they wrote Hank Pyms character off from being the designer of Ultron but there is still plenty of room for him and Ragnarok for the upcoming Captain America Movie.
I can agree that there may be room for Hank Pym and Ragnarok for the upcoming Captain America Movie, as you put it… but I am of the opinion that taking away the credit of designing Ultron has dramatically demoted the character. Now we see Darren Cross, who I don’t recall ever holding the mantle of Yellow Jacket, taking away yet another facet of the Hank Pym character. The more watered down Pym gets the less I see him effectively integrating into the MCU… then again I will have to just wait and see what happens like everybody else.