How Wizard X-Men Casting Choices Look 20 Years Later

Any fans of Wizard Magazine? Check out their picks for X-Men casting almost 20 years later!
In the 1995 issue of Wizard Magazine the staff gave their choices for an X-Men film. At the time, discussions had just ended between Stan Lee and James Cameron to make an X-Men film due to the bankruptcy of the independent studio holding the rights. After that, X-Men was acquired by Fox and then Wizard published their casting choices for a future X-Men film. Now almost 20 years later, how would their 1990s actor picks stand up against today’s picks? Would these actors in their prime measure up to today’s choices? Take a look at Film Fad’s assessment below.
Professor X
Wizard’s Choice: Patrick Stewart
Actual Choice: Patrick Stewart
Film Fad’s Decision: Patrick Stewart (Obviously)
It seems like Patrick Stewart was destined to play the role of Professor Charles Xavier. The fans, Wizard, and the studios all picked Stewart for the role of Professor X so there was little surprise and much rejoicing when he was first cast for the role. I don’t think that there is anyone that fits the role as perfectly as Patrick Stewart does and that’s why he was chosen and why I 100% agree with the casting choice.
Wizard’s Choice: Dolph Lundgren
Actual Choice: Daniel Cudmore
Film Fad’s Decision: Dolph Lundgren
Daniel Cudmore was an acceptable Colossus and that may be because of the character’s limited screen time. He didn’t have that towering presence that we imagine with Colossus nor did he have that signature accent. When Wizard chose Dolph Lundgren he just seemed fitting for the role. He is both massive and muscular and had his share of experience with a Russian accent (“Rocky IV”). While some may argue against his acting abilities, the same could be said for the fresh young Daniel Cudmore. If it was between the two actors in their prime, I would have to say that Dolph Lundgren would be very entertaining to see as the X-Men’s powerhouse character.
Wizard’s Choice: Michael Dorn
Actual Choice: Omar Sy
Film Fad’s Decision: Omar Sy
Michael Dorn, better known as Worf on “Star Trek TNG,” sounds like an adequate pick for Bishop. As Worf he had that warrior code that would seem fitting for a version of Bishop. Despite his strong fanbase and proven acting abilities, I would still say that I enjoyed Omar Sy’s version of Bishop in “X-Men: Days of Future Past.” Sy is a very strong actor and even though his role as Bishop was brief, I think his portrayal was more than acceptable and had me very intrigued. I would be interested to see more of Omar Sy’s version of Bishop and for that reason accompanied with others, he would be my choice for the better casting.
Wizard’s Choice: Michael Biehn
Actual Choice: James Marsden
Film Fad’s Decision: Michael Biehn
I like James Marsden and I think he did great as Cyclops but Michael Biehn in his prime seemed to fit the role almost like Patrick Stewart did as Professor X. Throughout his roles, Michael Biehn has proven himself as a militant, cunning leader. He has that militant persona that demands respect and still leaves room for emotional depth with many of his characters. He has rugged good looks that give him the clean cut appeal that Marsden has while also making him a formidable opponent when entering a Wolverine stare down. I am quite disappointed that Biehn had passed his prime by the film’s release because he would have been an amazing choice.
Apparently no one knows how to cast characters! The only ones that were good were Patrick Stewart, Iman, Vader, and Tyler Main. Redo! The movies sucked beyond words!
Man, Vader would have been an awesome Juggernaut. The guy is massive and yet in 1995 had the speed and agility of someone a third his size.