Superbowl 50 Brought Us Some Amazing Trailers

Even if you’re not a football fan, Superbowl 50 brought us some amazing trailers!
Unlike the majority of Americans that anticipate the outcome of the final game of the USA’s self proclaimed, favorite pastime, I was anticipating the moments in between the game. With the slew of trailers and TV spots that accompanied Superbowl 50, I nearly forgot (or didn’t care) who actually won the game itself. From movie newcomers to supplemental new footage, to the obscure blends of marketing and film previews, I was more than satisfied with the commercials surrounding the game.
But instead of going through each commercial, I chose to highlight all of the movie footage that made Superbowl 50 a more than tolerable experience for a non football fan. Check out the compilation of trailers below.
The Big First Look Trailers:
The highlights of the trailers were the ones that showcased the films we’ve known little to nothing about when it comes to footage. Between Jon Favreau’s “The Jungle Book” and “Jason Bourne,” I’d have to say the star between these two trailers was definitely “Jason Bourne.” To see Matt Damon return to the role (and be in shape for the role) was a big surprise despite the fact that we knew he was coming back. “The Jungle Book” was also intriguing but I have to reiterate that I’m definitely more excited for Bourne.
The Marvel (and Fox) Superhero Trailers:
Marvel Studios always bring their A-game to the table when it comes to their trailers but Fox also carried some clout as well. The Captain America: Civil War trailer was supplemental to what we’ve already seen but still astounding. We actually see Ant-Man in the lineup and get a cool look at the speculated “bleeding edge armor” as Tony Stark seems to block a gunshot from Winter Soldier. In addition to that, we get a funny, but not necessarily relevant, clip between Ant-Man and Hulk battling it out for a Coke mini.
From Fox we get a bit more Deadpool which doesn’t give us much more than we’ve already seen but it’s still enjoyable to see the “Merc with the Mouth.” The true highlight given to us from Fox was the next big trailer for “X-Men: Apocalypse.” In this trailer we see a few things that fly by pretty quickly but the highlight for me was seeing Psylocke (Olivia Munn) use her psychic blade.
The DC Superhero Spots:
There wasn’t a lot of actual film footage given for “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice” but these TV spots were definitely creative. Using Turkish Airlines as the product to segway into cameos from cast members, we received two creative clips that gave a type of industrial perspective to the film’s two main cities, Gotham and Metropolis.
The Sequel Trailers:
I admit that I was mildly excited for Independence Day Resurgence after seeing the first trailer, but this trailer definitely brought back the visual spectacle that enticed me with the first film. The destruction, mayhem, and alien/human dogfights were all aspects that had me hooked on “ID4.”
As for JJ Abrams’ return to his “Cloverfield” project, I admit that I’m intrigued as I was with the first film. “10 Cloverfield Lane” brings back a bit of nostalgia from the original film but hopefully it will have a more substantial ending.
Everything Else:
Speaking of nostalgia, the trailer for “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2” is strong with this trailer. We’ve seen Bebop and Rocksteady in the first trailer, but now we get to see the turtles taking on Krang on a rooftop.
“The Secret Life of Pets” actually looks hilarious and I may be more excited for that than TMNT 2 but unfortunately I think that “Gods of Egypt” is going to be a disappointment.
So while Superbowl 50 may have been a sports experience for some, a media experience for others, and an all around experience for the rest, I think it’s safe to say that the commercials are a welcomed aspect of the event. While I personally couldn’t care less about the winners of the game, I will be excited to see what Superbowl 51 brings in regards to previews and footage.