‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ Trailer Premieres!

The force is strong with this trailer for “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.”
Keeping the momentum going after the Blu-ray release of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” Disney has released the trailer for the officially titled “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.” The trailer is action packed but keep in mind, this isn’t a Jedi story so there are no lightsabers in this footage. Take a look at the trailer below.
We now know that the main character played by Felicity Jones will be named Jyn Erso. Since the trailer begins and ends with her, I think we can assume that she will be the character focal point in “Rogue One.” Setting her up as a trouble maker fits perfectly into the “Rebel” title and should establish an interesting dynamic for her character. Disney is definitely setting up another female hero to lead and just from this trailer, I’m on board.
That factor that will truly put this film to the test is the lack of focus on the force which has been prominent in all of the “Star Wars” films thus far. Even the title implores us to recognize this film as a supplemental story leading with “Rogue One” first followed by “A Star Wars” story in smaller print below. But regardless of whether or not this is supplemental, this is going to be another hit for Disney. It’s diverging from the path that we know for the “Star Wars” films but I welcome the risk. We may not see an epic lightsaber battle at the end but this “Star Wars” tale will take us on a journey that we’ve never been on before.
“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” releases on December 16, 2016.