FadCast Ep. 67 | Stand Up Comics Becoming Actors ft. Ed Phillips

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Warning there is explicit language.
Episode Summary:
Today the FadCast talks about actors that started as stand up comedians and transitioned to big name actors. Local comedian Ed Phillips joins us to give his perspective on the related subject. We also discuss the X-Men: Apocalypse trailer and hidden Easter eggs, the Independence Day: Resurgence trailer leaking early, and the disappointing reaction to the Star Trek: Beyond trailer.
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Episode Breakdown:
Pooya: You are listening to FilmFad.com’s FadCast episode 67.
Ryan: With our special guest, joke teller who is also funny, Ed!
Pooya: Today we’ll talk about stand up comics transitioning to feature films.
Ryan: And chew our skull bubblegum for Pooya’s “That Guy (or Girl) Was Fu*king Hilarious Quiz!”
Pooya: You’ll hear all that and more so let’s get started!
(Intro Music break)
Speed Round (~6min)
Stand Up Comics Transitioning to Film(~30min)
Pooya’s “That Guy (or Girl) Was Fu*king Hilarious Quiz (~9min)