‘Dirty Bomb’ Tells The True Story Of Jewish World War II Heroes And Needs Your Support

IndieGogo campaign launches for socially relevant film “Dirty Bomb.”
“Dirty Bomb” explores the story of World War II Jewish prisoners that sabotaged Germany’s last attempt at winning the war. The film stars Ido Samuel and is written and directed by Valerie McCaffrey. There is currently an IndieGogo campaign to help finish the film and the historic value behind the film is something worth supporting.
As described in the video above, the film is about the V2 bomb, a secret project the Nazis were working on during 1944. The final elements of this film needing funding are a snowy filming location for the Battle of the Bulge and an underground location for the bomb bunker.
Ido Samuel starred in one of the most popular Israeli films in the United States, “Fill The Void.” He was also a featured guest on episode 92 of the FadCast if you want a bit more context.
The “Dirty Bomb” IndieGogo campaign offers a variety of rewards for support. You can check out the full details at https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/dirty-bomb-film-history#/.