Deadpool creator says Cable is coming

Deadpool co-creator Rob Liefeld says X-Force leader Cable is coming to the big screen!
With the “X-Men” universe expanding with characters like Gambit and Deadpool, questions have arose regarding the inclusion of Cable. I even speculated about Cable being included in “X-Men: Apocalypse” since his character is closely connected to Apocalypse. There is no denying that this makes sense and today it was revealed that Cable will have a place in the “X-Men” universe according to Cable creator Rob Liefeld.
“Following Wolverine 2009, the Donners called me into their office and said, ‘Rob, we want to meet and talk to you about Deadpool, since we’re spinning it off. We know we made some missteps, and we want to get it right.’ So I sat there with a bunch of producers, and we sat for several hours, and we talked about different ideas. And I tried to steer them in directions I think. For instance, I’ll tell you, first question they said, ‘Rob, does Cable need to be in the Deadpool movie?’ And I said, ‘No, Deadpool deserves his own function and Cable should come in in his own movie.’ And they were like, ‘Ok, because we were thinking about…’ And I was like, ‘No, you can do them both separately. They don’t need to be in the same movie.’ Look, we had a long talk, we had some ideas, I can’t share them, some of them made it across the finish line.”
– Rob Liefeld
The conversation between the Donners and Rob Liefeld says a few things. First, it shows that there is an apparent awareness of Cable and there was even a desire to include him in the film universe as early as the “Deadpool” film. Secondly, it may have indirectly confirmed the coming of a standalone Cable film.
“Cable is awesome. And he will…when he appears on screen, we’re all going to nerdgasm, because he’s coming. They can’t hold him back. He’s coming.”
– Rob Liefeld
Gambit has been long overdue and Deadpool has been as well. In my opinion both of these characters are coming a bit late to the “X-Men” universe which slightly hurts continuity. With “X-Men: Days of Future Past” being released this year and “X-Men: Apocalypse” on the way, Fox is missing a lot of potential Cable rich storylines.
I still stand by my reasoning for Cable appearing in “X-Men: Apocalypse.” He doesn’t have to be a key character but an introduction definitely needs to happen in that film. If Fox has plans to ever compete with Marvel then they are going to have to start seamlessly connecting characters in applicable storylines. Many of the introductory storylines in the comics are significant to the growth of the character and refraining from including these characters leads to a more watered down story. Hopefully Fox will integrate Cable as they should before their time runs out.
How do you think Cable should be introduced?
[Source: Screen Rant]