Channing Tatum is BACK onboard for Gambit

Channing Tatum was out but now he’s back as Gambit!
We recently posted possibilities if Channing Tatum left “Gambit”. While it was being reported that Tatum was on his way out, we were hesitant to completely acknowledge his departure. It turns out our hesitancy was valid.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Channing Tatum has in fact closed the deal to play the Cajun X-Man. This negates previous reports that Tatum was on his way out the door.
Channing Tatum has closed a deal to star in Gambit, 20th Century Fox’s X-Men spin-off movie.
The move, which was widely expected, contradicts reports that appeared last week suggesting the actor would exit the project after failing to come to terms with Fox.
I had to take a sigh of relief hearing that Channing Tatum is back on board. I know that people are skeptical about Tatum but I am so intrigued to see what he is capable of with Tatum being a fan himself.
Outside of my opinion, it sounds like the “trouble” that everyone had been speaking of was nothing more than some conflicts in negotiations. Reports are saying that Channing Tatum had no intentions of jumping ship because he had too much invested in the role already. So while many (ourselves included) fed the speculation, it seems we had nothing to worry about. Unfortunately this means that my dream pick Josh Holloway will never happen. But at least I will still have the opportunity to see what Tatum is capable of!
This is the greatest “will they, won’t they” sage since Ross and Rachel.