New ‘Batman V Superman’ Images Show Film’s Darker Side

New “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice” photos show new shots with a darker tone!
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is so close and yet many feel as though they can’t wait any longer. But while the media surrounding the film has been plentiful, today a few more images were released showing a different side of the film. Take a look below.
- so-called “Knightmare” Batman | ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice’ (2016).
- Gal Gadot is Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman | ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice’ (2016).
- Henry Cavill is Superman | ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice’ (2016).
The first photo has been the source of a big rumor concerning the foreshadowing of a more formidable villain. The symbol that Batman is gazing upon in that wasteland is the Omega symbol representing Darkseid. Darkseid is probably Superman’s biggest rival as far as power level goes and seems to be DC’s version of Thanos (even though Darkseid was created first). If this is true then his coming could be the reason for the Justice League forming.
But outside of that photo, I think the most appealing of the gallery is the photo of Ben Affleck in the suit without the mask. Out of all of the photos we’ve seen of him in the suit, I think this one represents “Batfleck” in the best light possible. He looks tough, torn, and determined in this photo and it actually makes me more excited to see how well he does in the role.
Most of the other photos we’ve seen through teasers and trailers that have been previously been released. But these photos definitely highlight the darker aspects of the film, primarily surrounding Batman.
The film is currently set to release on March 25, 2016 and stars Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Jesse Eisenberg, and Amy Adams.
Have these photos got you more excited for the film? Or do you feel that this film won’t hold up to the hype? You tell us!
This was first reported by Collider.
Still planning on skipping this. It looks too “dark and epic” for my tastes.