John Constantine Is Back As Matt Ryan Gets CW Seed Series

CW resurrects Matt Ryan’s fan-adored John Constantine, but this time as an animated digital series.
The CW adulates fans of NBC’s single season “Constantine” series as they repackaged the Matt Ryan voiced DC Comics character for their digital counterpart, CW Seed. The animated series joins the ranks of Vixen, another CW held DC Comics property that has seen success on the CW Seed and made a live-action crossover in both “Arrow” and “Legends Of Tomorrow.”
According to Deadline, a minimum of five 10-minute episodes have been ordered for CW Seed thus far. CW Seed already hosts the existing NBC “Constantine” episodes, making us wonder if this mini-series will be a second season of sorts.
Given that Matt Ryan’s Constantine has made an appearance on “Arrow” and CW now has the rights to the character, could this mean more live action appearances from John Constantine in other CW shows? We sure hope so!
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We caught up with Matt Ryan at this past New York Comic Con to talk about his reprisal of the John Constantine character for the WB animated feature, “Justice League Dark.”
Watch FilmFad’s full EXCLUSIVE interview with Matt Ryan below: