FadCast Ep. 61 | Cerebral Sci-Fi Films feat. Michael Nardelli

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Warning there is explicit language.
Episode Summary:
Today the FadCast gets cerebral with celebrity guest and actor/producer from the sci-fi film Circle Michael Nardelli. He gives us his take on a variety of thought-provoking science fiction films as well as goes into more depth about his own thought-provoking sci-fi film “Circle.” We also discuss current events surrounding the rumor of Red Hood and Joker appearing in Batman, the poor opening weekend for “Our Brand is Crisis,” and the “Through the Looking Glass” teaser for the “Alice in Wonderland” sequel.
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Episode Breakdown:
Pooya: You are listening to FilmFad.com’s FadCast episode 61.
Ryan: With celebrity guest, actor and producer from suspenseful thriller “Circle,” Michael Nardelli
Pooya: Today we’ll cerebral science fiction in film
Ryan: And grind the gears of our minds for Pooya’s “Name that Sci-Fi” quiz.
Pooya: You’ll hear all that and more so let’s get started!
(Intro Music break)
Current Events Speed Round (~5min)
Cerebral, Thought-Provoking Sci-Fi Films (~23min)
Pooya’s “Name that Sci-Fi” quiz (~11min)
For some spoilers and FadCast extras, check out the conversation below!
You can currently check out “Circle” on Netflix or iTunes for some extended bonus material!