Exclusive: Deadpool’s Colossus Stefan Kapicic Talks Sequels and X-Force

Stefan Kapicic, the voice of Colossus, talks about “Deadpool” and the future of the character.
We got the chance to interview the man behind the CGI for Colossus in “Deadpool.” After hearing his voice it was easy to see why he was chosen for the role but after speaking with him, you will find out why he may rival many comic book fans of Colossus. Stefan Kapicic has a vast amount of knowledge about the character and is optimistic about the future of the character in film. From discussing “Deadpool” to “X-Men” and even “X-Force,” this interview with Stefan was very fun and insightful.
Film Fad:
Hey Stefan, how are you?
Stefan Kapicic:
Hey Ryan, I’m perfect, thanks for asking!
Film Fad:
Wow! I can see why they chose you for the voice of Colossus, you have a very strong voice!
Stefan Kapicic:
(laughs) Thanks so much, thank you.
Film Fad:
So I’ve seen [Deadpool], I love the film, I loved Colossus in it. How did this role come about where they had more of a duality with both body and voice where it was two parts?
Stefan Kapicic:
Well as a matter of fact, my approach was…I was getting into Piotr Nikolaievitch approaching it in his human form. Because there’s no difference between Bruce Banner and Hulk you know? They’re the same person. And the CGI moments of Colossus are…it was time to get exactly the way that Colossus looks in the comic books. So his resemblance in his CGI form is directly [related] to the comic book. So he doesn’t look like anyone else except the original comic book Colossus. On the other side, the soul, the voice, and everything else coming from the inside of Colossus was me. So I was approaching it as Piotr Nikolaievitch from the inside. From the human form Colossus.
Film Fad:
So what were some of your favorite lines throughout the film? I know there were a lot that really portrayed him as this heroic, pretty much boyscout in a way.
Stefan Kapicic:
Well, he’s like the old fashioned superhero. Idealistic, Russian artistic soul from the Russian classic books. He is really a specific character, like a genuine superhero. So favorite lines…definitely the ending monologue when he’s trying to get Deadpool to get to the good side [with] the X-Men. There are only 4 or 5 moments but you know if you watched the movie. [SPOILER] When he’s trying to kill Ajax, when Colossus is trying to stop him and make him come to the good side. The X-Men side. So there’s like 4 or 5 moments that matter. The whole monologue was my favorite scene and as I saw, people love that scene.
Film Fad:
From what I’ve read, you’re fluent in quite a few languages. When this came about did you have any voice work before where you maybe got to use some of that talent?
Stefan Kapicic:
Well as a matter of fact, I do a lot of voice work in Europe. A lot of it, because I love to do that like cartoons and commercials. So many things with my voice and people love my voice. And lots of people know me by my voice in Europe. It’s a part of my job. So I had lots of projects before I came into this that helped me a lot. But still this is something totally new because you’re building and making a very known character with a huge fan base so I didn’t have pressure but I wanted to make him the best that I could. So I had help from Tim [Miller] who is an amazing director. A brilliant director. He was also a big comic book fan so we recreated a perfect Colossus. The most authentic Colossus ever.
Film Fad:
Yeah, I would say it was very authentic. And that’s an understatement. I know in the past that we’ve seen a couple films that have featured Colossus in X-Men movies. Why do you think they chose to reboot the character?
Stefan Kapicic:
Tim [Miller] wanted the known character which was not used too much in the other movies. Unfortunately the next X-Men franchise, Colossus didn’t have a lot of space because of the other characters. I don’t know why because Colossus is really an amazing character and he’s one of the strongest heroes in the Marvel universe. Thank God for that because Tim [Miller] put him as a perfect contrast to Deadpool’s personality.
Film Fad:
Oh definitely!
Stefan Kapicic:
Yeah, because on one side you have a real superhero with idealistic views on the world and good and evil and you had Deadpool as [an] antihero. Totally different than Colossus. So I think that there’s not a better comic book character that contrasts.
Film Fad:
Well I know that they just confirmed that they’re moving forward with a “Deadpool 2” and we’re more than likely going to see more of the X-Force. Now I know that Colossus has been on the X-Force and the X-Men…
Stefan Kapicic:
And Excalibur. He had lots of those (laughs). But you know, I’m praying and I’m hoping because reactions to Colossus in “Deadpool” are really amazing. “Deadpool” by itself is just fantastic. Ryan Reynolds did an awesome job. But on the other side, people loved Colossus. And I hope and I’m praying that Colossus is going to continue to be by Deadpool’s side and if we have X-Force that can be such a huge team up. If you have Cable and all of those characters, this could be a really amazing sequel.
Film Fad:
I agree and that’s actually really impressive that you knew a lot of that history behind Colossus. I don’t think you would have had to do that much research for the character but it sounds like you did..
Stefan Kapicic:
Well as a matter of fact, that’s the funny thing because I said I’m a big comic book fan and I’m really into X-Men like the fans. So when I got the chance to be part of something that I really love, it’s just like a win/win situation because I’m really into…not just because of the movie I wanted to research about Colossus, I’m really a big fan of it. So I was thinking it would be perfect if you could get Colossus’ sister you know? Illyana…Magik, she’s a perfect character. So there’s so many things about Colossus that can build up any movie that he’s in.
Film Fad:
That’s really impressive that you know that. I hope they continue to move forward with you because having someone with your voice and your knowledge, that’s just an asset for them.
Stefan Kapicic:
Thanks so much! That means a lot, thank you so much for that.
Film Fad:
So as far as other roles go, would you say that this is probably one of the most notable. I know superhero films nowadays, if you’re in one, that’s a big thing.
Stefan Kapicic:
It’s so huge. Nowadays superhero movies rule, definitely. Because of the fans, because all of the things they are bringing. They’re reaching all kinds of audiences right now and Deadpool is definitely a game changer in this genre because he’s going to reach to some people that are not into superhero movies but I already have some reactions in Europe from some countries that are not into superhero worlds and people are raving about “Deadpool.” Every cinema is sold out, people are applauding, they’re laughing during the whole movie. So the reactions to “Deadpool” are…I knew it was going to be a great movie but this kind of reaction, that’s unbelievable. It’s beautiful.
Film Fad:
So given that you have a plethora of comic book knowledge yourself, where would you like to see the character go? Would you like to see the character more in the X-Men universe or crossover into the darker X-Force universe?
Stefan Kapicic:
If you ask me, I would love this to stay in this universe. Even though I would like to [see the] X-Men [version] of Colossus, but this version [gives] Colossus more space. But still, I think if we made this Colossus, the original Colossus, for “Deadpool,” I would like to keep him in this darker world you know? Because I think he’s a great contrast. And he can be a great asset to Deadpool and all of those other characters. So we can only have so many different ways of this information and his understanding of different worlds and other things.
Film Fad:
Well I have to say, I think I agree with you. A lot of people have had very positive reactions to this film, myself included. And I think you’re character is a perfect juxtaposition to Deadpool’s character as you said. And I really look forward to seeing you in future films…or hearing you in future films because I think you played it perfectly.
Stefan Kapicic:
Thank you so much!