Tim Miller Talks ‘Deadpool 2’, Cable Casting, and X-Force

The director of “Deadpool” opens up about a sequel and tying in “X-Force”
In a recent interview with Director Tim Miller, he reaffirmed that “Deadpool 2” was happening, a script was being written, and unless some catastrophic event happens, he will be directing. But while he confirmed much of what we could speculate, he also provided details on improving the film and how the “X-Force” property could spawn from its success.
“I don’t look at Deadpool and think, ‘Oh, that’s a perfect movie.’ I look at it and go, ‘Oh, God, there’s so much stuff I could do better.’ What you don’t want to do is all the stupid stuff like ‘Oh, now it has to be twice as big because people are going to be bored!’ or ‘It’s going to have three times the villains!’
We all know that with a sequel comes a much bigger budget. In Miller’s mind, “Deadpool” felt like an indie film and that could be due to Fox questioning the success of the film. With its success now proven and then some, the sequel should definitely have the feel of a larger scale film. In regards to that, Tim Miller also shared his thoughts on how the villain should be crafted in comparison to Ajax from the first film. Critiquing the film’s villain, he felt Ajax’s motives should have been clearer and hopes to improve that in the sequel.
When speaking of adversaries, people’s minds immediately drifted towards an ally (sort of) of Deadpool’s. They wanted to know about Cable and who should play him, but Miller didn’t give the response we had hoped for. For him, everything is contingent upon the script and he won’t have an idea of who he’d like to see play the character until he knows how Cable is written.
But when correlating “Deadpool” to an “X-Force” spinoff, Tim Miller didn’t know if “X-Force” would receive the same R-rated treatment that “Deadpool” received. While many fans think “X-Force” deserves an R-rating, Miller thinks that it could pass with a PG-13 citing that “Deadpool” received its rating due to humor.
“I’ll just say I’d like it to be an R-rated movie, but I’ve always been very realistic. We’re not making fine art here. This is commerce. So if for some reason there was a story that needed to be bigger and needed to be at a certain budget, and it didn’t warrant an R-rated budget, although it’s harder to make that argument now after Deadpool, but let’s say we were saying it before Deadpool came out; I understand that. I’m not one of those directors who goes ‘I want it because I want it!’ and ‘It should be because I think it should be!’ There’s economics at work here, and I would like it to be R-rated.
And I know there was some talk around Hollywood, and James Gunn talked about it, and I agree very much with what he said. I think Deadpool worked because of what it was. I think Deadpool worked because it was funny. I think Deadpool worked because it didn’t take itself seriously. That’s why it worked as an R-rated film. I’m not sure any superhero movie will work as an R-rated film. I’m not sure some members of the public are going to be happy with the blood and gore if it’s not balanced with humor and the other stuff.”
So while we know the “merc with the mouth” will have his sequel, details regarding “X-Force” are promising but still up in the air.
Tell us what you think. Who should play Cable? Should X-Force receive an R-rating?
This was first reported by Collider.