Sony Offers Free Admission to ‘Concussion’ for NFL Families

Sony is offering free tickets to see “Concussion” for NFL players and their families.
The controversial yet low-profile film “Concussion” opens on Christmas Day and related to its theme, NFL players and families of players will receive a free showing. Sony has already reached out to current and former NFL players to offer private screenings of the film stating that “this is a movie for the players.”
“This is a movie for the players, so we wanted to give them a chance to see it before its nationwide release and free admission during its run in theaters,” producers Ridley Scott and Giannina Scott said. “The movie is so inspiring. Will Smith gives one of the best performances of his career as Dr. Bennet Omalu, a man who shined a light on the truth.”
The requirements for the free admission are that a NFLPA membership must be shown and the venue for the showing will be at Cinemark theaters. This makes screenings open to about 500 different locations.
It does make one wonder if this is more of a publicity stunt or a genuine act of kindness. The NFL is one of the most high profile industries in the USA. With a film like “Concussion” that demonizes the NFL, extending screenings to NFL players and families may be a way of saving face in regards to the film’s subject matter.
Others have speculated that “Concussion” has remained hidden due to negatively portraying the NFL and the NFL’s dominance over the media. While this has neither been confirmed or denied, it is interesting to see a big name actor like Will Smith not in the spotlight for this potentially Oscar-worthy film. It could be due to the December month being dominated by Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but the media surrounding “Concussion” has definitely been scarce.
What do you think of Sony’s move to give screenings to NFL players?
This was first reported by Variety