Red Band Trailer for ‘The Interview’ is Lethally Raunchy

Seth Rogen and James Franco get even more offensive in this Red Band (NSFW) trailer for “The Interview.”
James Franco and Seth Rogen are notorious for their offensive nature. Their comedies, while hilarious, are usually raunchy and fall far out of the reach of family movie night and now their latest film “The Interview” has taken offensive to an international level. Take a look at the unfiltered red band trailer below.
I loved both “This is the End” and “Neighbors” so I expect “The Interview” to fall into that same category of “shock and awe” fun. The trailer already hints at the humor falling into the same realm as the duo’s usual films with the sexual humor crossed with absolute ridiculousness. The premise also sounds intriguing which should capture the attention of audiences that may want something more than just standalone humor.
“The Interview” has already personally offended North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un, so I can’t wait to see how it affects the rest of the world. Even if this film turns out to be a so-so comedy, I think the overall audience reach and engagement is going to be large. I’m personally prepared for some hearty laughs!