Lucas Till talks Bravetown & larger role in X-Men Apocalypse

We had the chance to speak with X-Men: Apocalypse star Lucas Till about his latest film “Bravetown” and his future as Havok in the X-Men films. While he may be known best as his role as Havok, Lucas Till played a role in “Bravetown” that is much different than his norm. Check out his interview with Film Fad below!
Film Fad
Hi Lucas how are you doing today? Recently you starred in a film called “Bravetown.” Throughout the film DJing is a common element used to distinguish you from the rest of these small town citizens. Was there a particular reason why DJing was chosen as this element?
Lucas Till
No, that’s a great question and of all the questions I asked the writer that wasn’t one of them. I didn’t think twice about it. But you know what, it was nice because all I knew was that I didn’t have to dance. So that was fine with me.
Film Fad
Throughout the film I caught a few elements from other films. With the small town community being introduced to electronica music I caught a sort of “Footloose” vibe and your relationship with Josh Duhamel seemed similar to the relationship between Matt Damon and Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting. Would you say this is accurate?
Lucas Till
Ooooh Wow. You know what man, it’s probably in your mind and you don’t even realize that you’re doing it. That’s exactly what you’re doing, you know? I’ve never thought about that good call! I think it certainly probably influenced everyone in there.
Film Fad
Where would you say your inspiration came from to play the character Josh?
Lucas Till
I would say it was more do the opposite of everything that I would do…haha. Because I do like to dance. I don’t want to necessarily do it in a movie yet, but I do like to dance. Josh doesn’t. I smile a lot, Josh doesn’t. Half of my family are veterans so I’m familiar with that part and that element of the movie. It was “what would Lucas not do” and that was my inspiration.
Film Fad
In this film you play both a rebel and an outsider, you also play a rebellious role as Havok in the X-Men films. In the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse, you will finally be reunited with Havok’s brother Cyclops. Will you play a rebellious older brother or a sort of mentoring role?
Lucas Till
Let’s see if I can answer this question. You know what buddy I can’t, they’ll kill me. I also want to keep the suspense as well you know what I mean? But that’s all I can tell you.
Film Fad
Can you tell us if you’ll have more screen time this time around?
Lucas Till
Haha, more than five minutes? I think it’s safe to assume that much. Other than that, yeah that’s about it.
Film Fad
Well I actually did see the tweeted photo of you and Tye Sheridan at a hockey game. I think that’s what clued me into, “Finally we’re going to see some brotherly love this time around.”
#XMenApocalypse: Cyclops/@TyeSheridan & Havok/@lucastill bonding at the @CanadiensMTL game.
http://t.co/5FxsmmbLZ1 pic.twitter.com/LWlkdcEH3M
— Mutant 101 (@M101_Mutant101) May 5, 2015
Lucas Till
I will tell you outside of it, yeah he reminds me of my little brother. Actually he seems like he’s got his stuff together more than I do, so maybe he’s my older brother…haha. But I have a brother pretty much the same age as him.
Film Fad
Well let me ask you this. This day and age, it’s comic book movies, it’s superheroes. It seems like a very significant step for actors. At the same time, while this might be a step into the spotlight, it seems to also carry a risk of typecasting an actor. How would you feel your role as Havok has affected your career?
Lucas Till
It kinda helps you know…haha. I think Havok kinda showed people that I could do something in that world, in that direction. So it actually kinda helps so people just don’t see me as an innocent boy. But I see what you mean, it can happen absolutely if you’re not careful and don’t challenge yourself to do different things. You can absolutely get typecast, there’s a risk.
Film Fad
What would you like to see for your future? Going from this superhero genre, going from “Bravetown,” what genre of films do you want to pursue? What would be your ideal film?
Lucas Till
Action, comedies. I love action, I always have and I love comedy. That’s the kind of genre that never gets old to me whereas everything else may have a time limit. I can do that all day everyday and never get tired of it. I feel like being in the movies that you like watching just makes your life a little easier right?
Film Fad
Oh definitely. So it seems like the superhero role fits very well into the genre you are pursuing?
Lucas Till
Yeah exactly! I’m such a nerd when it comes to this world and it’s just cool to be in a movie that you have a built in nostalgia for already. It’s really cool actually.
Film Fad
So did you read any of the comics growing up as a kid?
Lucas Till
Sparingly but it was more the TV show. Now I’ve read lots of comics since. There was a guy whose only job was just to give us comics on the first movie I remember. And he just looked like the guy from “The Simpsons,” the comic book guy. Identical to him with an English accent and he would give me 1000 pages of comics with different points of Havok’s history.
Film Fad
Well Lucas, thanks for your time. I’ll let you get back to it!
Lucas Till
Alright buddy you too. Have a good day man!
In summation we find that Lucas Till will have more screen time in “X-Men: Apocalypse” than in “X-Men: Days of Future Past.” While he did not give a definite answer as to whether the relationship between Havok and Cyclops will be present, his relationship with Cyclops actor Tye Sheridan does point to the relationship being present. Usually when actors and actresses take on roles where they share a close relationship, they attempt to form that bond outside of the film. I believe that this is why Sheridan and Till are seen outside of the film and why Lucas Till states that Tye Sheridan “reminds him of his little brother.”
“Bravetown” can currently be purchased for viewing through multiple video on demand services. It will be available to own on DVD and Blu-Ray on June 16, 2015.