Exclusive: ‘Maurizio Cattelan: Be Right Back’ “Pope” Clip Is Artfully Mad
“Maurizio Cattelan: Be Right Back” exclusive clip gives audiences a glimpse into the artful madness starting by… hitting the Pope with a meteor?
In “Maurizio Cattelan: Be Right Back,” documentarian Maura Axelrod introduces audiences to the offbeat stylings of bizarro artist Maurizio Cattelan. “Maurizio Cattelan: Be Right Back” unravels Maurizio’s outlandish chronology starting with his nascent days and culminating with an inside look behind the scenes on his more recent installation at the Guggenheim museum. In this FilmFad exclusive preview clip we see Maurizio’s artful madness as we learn what prompted his screamingly sacrilegious installation of a meteorite hitting the Pope. The documentary will have its fair share of twists and turns including more of Maurizio’s mesmerizingly odd antics like the borderline sadist stunt of duct taping his gallerist to a wall until he faints.
Watch the exclusive “Pope” clip of “Maurizio Cattelan: Be Right Back” below for a taste of the artful madness.
“Maurizio Cattelan: Be Right Back” brings its outlandish art-safari to theaters on April 14th.