How Christopher Columbus ruined America and film

Fantastic Four
I can give this film a slight pass given that I will watch most any comic book adapted film, but I refuse to call “Fantastic Four” a good film. We’ve seen what Marvel can do with a superhero film and we’ve even seen what Fox can do with team based superheroes like “X-Men,” so what was missing with “Fantastic Four?” Maybe because the film is about a family of superheroes Fox thought that they should market to a family audience but with kids and adults sharing in the superhero hype, this proved to be a bad move. Kids turned out to be much more critical than they thought and adults saw their classic comic book heroes paraded on the screen with too much wholesomeness.
So who was the executive producer of this film? You guessed it…Chris Columbus. Not only did he serve as the executive producer for the first “Fantastic Four” film but he went on to be the executive producer for the sequel as well. Both “Fantastic Four” films were horribly received and are probably the reason for Fox’s call to reboot the films with an all new cast next year.