Casting Call: The Breakfast Club reboot cast picks

If “The Breakfast Club” were rebooted today, who would be cast?
While John Hughes will probably never reboot “The Breakfast Club,” it still makes me wonder how the film would be perceived if it were rebooted in today’s world. “The Breakfast Club” is one of those films that should never be rebooted but what if it were? Here are my picks for “The Breakfast Club” cast if it were rebooted today.
Josh Brolin as Principal Vernon
Paul Gleeson was iconic as the harsh Principal Vernon. From his stern demeanor to his harsh words, his role would need to be played by an actor that carries the same characteristics. For this reason my choice would be Josh Brolin due to his empowering persona. He’s a great actor and his intimidating presence would be a great replacement for Paul Gleeson.
Zac Efron as Andrew Clark
Andrew Clark is a popular high school jock originally played by Emilio Estevez. While some may think Zac Efron is a bit of a “teeny bop” face actor, this is a role that fits right into his line of characters. We’ve seen Zac Efron play the clean cut jock multiple times so playing the high school wrestler Andrew Clark would not be much of a stretch. He has the look and knows the role so I would definitely pick Zac Efron to play Andrew Clark.
Sophie Turner as Claire Standish
Molly Ringwald is the iconic 80s redhead which makes recasting her role a difficult task. Given that Claire was both quiet and popular, I think it would be fair to give Game of Thrones actress Sophie Turner a shot at the part. As Sansa Stark she plays a timid yet elitist beauty that would fit well into the role of Claire Standish. Besides being a redhead like Molly Ringwald, she’s also a very adequate actress and could easily be seen as the rich girl who is at the top of her class.