Tag: george lucas
Review: ‘Willow’ is a Gateway Drug to the Fantasy Genre
In 1988 George Lucas produced a Ron Howard directed film called “Willow” and a cult favorite was born. I can speak for myself that it is one of my most treasured of films. But why is that? Why did this film under perform when it was originally released but now has fans so dedicated? With a local theater the Naro screening it soon (June 1st) I thought it would be good to try and find out beforehand.
Read MoreTBT Review: ‘Howard the Duck’ is Famously Bad
Howard the Duck is bad. There are those out there who enjoy it, but I don’t. It may not be as bad as some make it out to be (there are far, far worse films out there) but it is still a bad film. It does feel like there maybe could have been a good film in it, but was never allowed to hatch. The direction and tone go all wrong at the wrong times. While some of the acting is fine there are just as many awful performances in it. And while technically decently made it’s flaws really do consume it.
Read MoreLucas Museum of Narrative Arts Hits a Snag… Again
Well if you’re George Lucas and you’ve sold off the rights of Lucasfilm to Disney, you build a museum. Yes since January 2014 George Lucas has been trying to make his vision into a reality. Lucas first attempted to bring it to San Francisco before plans fell through. More recently the fight has been to bring it to Chicago. However, a dispute over the land with an activist group may have derailed plans yet again.
Read MoreStar Wars: The Force Awakens full trailer
“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” trailer is here! May the force be with you! This is the...
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