FadCast Ep. 88 | Captain America Civil War & Superhero Minorities

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Warning there is explicit language.
Episode Summary:
Today the FadCast discusses Captain America: Civil War and the rise of minorities in films about superheroes. Eric joins us to weigh in on the topic and we also briefly discuss the state of the George Lucas museum, Alden Ehrenreich being cast as a young Han Solo, and the look of the new Power Rangers.
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Episode Breakdown:
Pooya: You are listening to FilmFad.com’s FadCast Episode 88
Ryan: With special guest, Film Fad’s very own staff writer, Eric/p>
Pooya: Today we’ll explore the rising trend of Minorities in Superhero Cinema
Ryan: As we talk Buzz around Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Luke Cage, and the claims of Whitewashing in Doctor Strange and more.
Pooya: You’ll hear all that and more so let’s get started!
(Intro Music break)
Current Events – George Lucas Museum, Han Solo casting, and Power Rangers costumes. (~6min)
Script read from “Blade” (~12min).
Superhero minorities and white-washing in cinema (~41min).