FadCast Ep. 55 | Best Buddy Movie Dynamic Duos ft. Dan Ritchie

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Warning there is explicit language.
Episode Summary:
Today the FadCast gets buddy-buddy over Cinematic Characters and their kinship and friendship and who better than Film Fad’s buddy from When Nerds Collide to help us pick the besties. So accept our friend requests and we’ll accept yours as we go through some of the best buddy duos on the big screen. Before we jump into our platonically perfect pictures, we’ll run through a slew of current events for our Speed Round from Gambit Director Rupert Wyatt leaving, to a Booster Gold and Blue Beetle DC film, to the controversial subject of Marvel killing off the X-Men comics to make room for the Inhumans. Make sure to stick around until the end of show as this episode concludes with Pooya’s “Hey There Buddy Cinematic Quiz.”
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Episode Breakdown:
Pooya: You are listening to FilmFad.com’s FadCast Episode 55
Ryan: With special guest…it’s F*cking Daniel
Pooya: Today we’ll talk about the beloved buddy movie
Ryan: And join us as Daniel and I inner digitate and frolic through Pooya’s “Hey There Buddy Cinematic Quiz”
Pooya: You’ll hear all that and more so let’s get started!
(Intro Music break)
Current Events Speed Round (~5min)
The Buddy Movie Fad (~20min)
Hey There Buddy Cinematic Quiz! (~10min)