Contest: ‘Everest’ Blu-ray Giveaway

Enter now for your chance to win a copy of “Everest” on Blu-ray!
The Blu-ray for “Everest” is here and we’re giving everyone a chance to get their hands on a copy! The film is an exhilarating tale based on the true story of a problematic venture to the top of Mt. Everest. Read below for the details on how to enter!
Prize Pack Details:

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How to Win:
The contest runs from January 6, 2016 to January 12, 2016. One winner will be selected at random. There are multiple ways to win and you may enter multiple times! See below:
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Send us an email at [email protected] and we will read the best/most creative answer on The FadCast (3 ENTRIES)
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Now is your chance to win a free copy of this Blu-ray and feel the thrills and suspense that “Everest” brings. Through breathtaking landscapes and gut-wrenching excitement, the “Everest” Blu-ray puts the thrill of the climb in your own home. In addition to film itself, there are a number of Blu-ray extras including deleted scenes and more things to entertain your adventurous spirit.
Enter for your chance to win a copy of “Everest” on Blu-Ray now!
Contest is for one winner that will be selected at random. Winner must be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the United States.