Casting Call: The Breakfast Club reboot cast picks

If “The Breakfast Club” were rebooted today, who would be cast?

While John Hughes will probably never reboot “The Breakfast Club,” it still makes me wonder how the film would be perceived if it were rebooted in today’s world. “The Breakfast Club” is one of those films that should never be rebooted but what if it were? Here are my picks for “The Breakfast Club” cast if it were rebooted today.

Josh Brolin as Principal Vernon

Principal Vernon – Josh Brolin

Paul Gleeson was iconic as the harsh Principal Vernon. From his stern demeanor to his harsh words, his role would need to be played by an actor that carries the same characteristics. For this reason my choice would be Josh Brolin due to his empowering persona. He’s a great actor and his intimidating presence would be a great replacement for Paul Gleeson.

Zac Efron as Andrew Clark

Andrew Clark – Zac Efron

Andrew Clark is a popular high school jock originally played by Emilio Estevez. While some may think Zac Efron is a bit of a “teeny bop” face actor, this is a role that fits right into his line of characters. We’ve seen Zac Efron play the clean cut jock multiple times so playing the high school wrestler Andrew Clark would not be much of a stretch. He has the look and knows the role so I would definitely pick Zac Efron to play Andrew Clark.

Sophie Turner as Claire Standish

Claire Standish – Sophie Turner

Molly Ringwald is the iconic 80s redhead which makes recasting her role a difficult task. Given that Claire was both quiet and popular, I think it would be fair to give Game of Thrones actress Sophie Turner a shot at the part. As Sansa Stark she plays a timid yet elitist beauty that would fit well into the role of Claire Standish. Besides being a redhead like Molly Ringwald, she’s also a very adequate actress and could easily be seen as the rich girl who is at the top of her class.

Click to the NEXT PAGE for the final three casting choices!

Emma Roberts as Allison Reynolds

Emma Roberts as Allison Reynolds

Ally Sheedy as Allison Reynolds played the iconic anti-social goth role that proved that an ugly duckling can eventually become a swan. As a dark and brooding character with barely any dialogue Ally Sheedy shocked us with her obscure behavior. Given that the character is a beauty hidden beneath a lot of makeup, I thought that Emma Roberts would be a perfect choice. She’s played a darker, anti-social character in multiple roles but her beauty is undeniable in any role. I could definitely see Emma Roberts starting out as a character in the shadows then emerging as the white dress beauty like we saw with Ally Sheedy.

Christopher Mintz-Plasse as Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson – Christopher Mintz-Plasse

Anthony Michael Hall was another iconic 80s star known for his nerdy roles. Not only was he the stereotypical nerd as Brian Johnson, he also had one of the most dramatic moments in the film. While Hall played the role of the nerd well, the modern day nerd is much different than it was in the past. For this reason I picked Christopher Mintz-Plasse to take on the role of Brian Johnson. Christopher Mintz-Plasse has played the feeble outcast in multiple roles and for the role of Brian, he would be a great modern day adaptation.

Hunter Parrish as John Bender

John Bender – Hunter Parrish

Judd Nelson is the stereotypical rebellious teen as John Bender. Since his role many have tried to emulate the character or embody his spirit when portraying the role of the teen rebel. When I think of a misunderstood teen that has the look of trouble yet still carries sex appeal, I think of “Weeds” star Hunter Parrish. John Bender is not necessarily a bad kid in “The Breakfast Club” but more a victim of society. Much like Parrish’s character Silas in “Weeds” he seems like a good kid turned bad that has always had his guard up. While Parrish might not carry the dark hair look of Judd Nelson, he does carry the teen angst that would make it an easy transition into the role.

Ryan: Ryan has been fascinated with film and pop culture since childhood. Throughout college he "played it safe" taking the more lucrative route of being a computer programmer while squeezing in film related courses where he could...but even during his post college career, he could never escape his true passion. After following one of his favorite blogs for a long time, he approached the site's Editor about writing and they reluctantly gave him a shot. He later became their Senior Writer which led to a variety of other projects, radio show appearances, features, and high profile celebrity interviews. Despite his success with blogging, he still wanted more so in order to expand his creative addiction, he merged his IT skills and blogging know-how to create FilmFad.com which has continued to grow into a creative Mecca of pop-culture fun and integrity.   ryan@filmfad.com    Film Fad
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