Who Can Play Gambit Now That Channing Tatum Quit?

UPDATE: Channing Tatum has signed back on so view this as a “dream cast list.”

Channing Tatum has quit “Gambit” so what do we do now?

The news has hit the web that Channing Tatum has departed “Gambit!” According to The Wrap, Tatum’s deal to play Gambit is not fully dissolved but their sources think he is essentially set on leaving the role. Unfortunately their sources have not disclosed why he has decided to leave the film.

Channing Tatum’s “Gambit” deal is in jeopardy of falling apart and he is planning to exit the comic book project at 20th Century Fox, an individual with knowledge of the situation has told TheWrap.
The studio had been in the process of testing young actresses to star alongside Tatum, including Lea Seydoux, but insiders suggest that director Rupert Wyatt will soon have to find a new leading man.

At the time, the details of his departure are so thin that I think we should speculate on some other fun. If Channing Tatum is in fact out, then who should be his replacement? Here are a few of my choices!

Taylor Kitsch

Taylor Kitsch

I know he’s already been given his shot as Gambit and been labeled as a box office failure, but I have my reasons. I think that Taylor Kitsch is more a victim of bad luck than he is a bad actor. “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” was a terrible film but let’s be honest, was Kitsch really that bad of a Gambit? If you remember that film, Deadpool was transformed into a terrible concoction at the end. But despite Ryan Reynolds playing the role, he still got his second shot to get his solo film and fans are ecstatic. I’m not saying that Taylor Kitsch is as meant for the role as Ryan Reynolds is for Deadpool but he has proven himself over the past few years. With roles in films like “Lone Survivor,” “The Normal Heart,” and more recently “True Detective: Season 2,” Kitsch has shown his range as an actor. Would it really be so bad to see him return to a role he knows with a bit more experience?

Matt Bomer

Matt Bomer

Well if you can’t get Magic Mike to play Gambit, then why not the next best thing? We might not have heard Matt Bomer with an accent but he definitely has the look, the acting chops, and the charisma to play the Cajun superhero. He’s been a fan favorite for Superman and even voiced the “Man of Steel” in “Superman Unbound” so he’s got some superhero experience. As far as the accent goes, he was raised in Texas so he may be able to modify some “Texas twang” to adhere to a more Louisiana style accent.

Jamie Dornan

Jamie Dornan

Pooya may have already chosen Jamie Dornan to fit the Wolverine recast, but I think this actor would be better suited as the suave Cajun superhero. Once again, he’s another actor with the looks for the role more than the experience but I do think he’s more than just Christian Grey. When it comes to Gambit, Fox has an opportunity to appeal to women as well. It’s no surprise that they chose Channing Tatum. They didn’t just want Tatum’s star power, they also wanted “Magic Mike.” If they are going for sex appeal then this Fifty Shades of Grey actor would definitely put Fox back on track with the female demographic. And I’ll also be the first to say that I think that Jamie Dornan has potential beyond a poorly written book/film. He may be a wildcard pick, but I would say it’s acceptable to give him a shot.

Josh Holloway

Josh Holloway

This is a fan pick for myself and others that are fans of the show “Lost.” If they were to tell Josh Holloway to just be Sawyer from “Lost” with super powers then I think that alone would make an adequate Gambit. Sawyer was a character that walked the line between villain and hero, lived his life as a con-man/thief, had a charisma that appealed to women, and of course had a southern accent that could easily place him in Louisiana. The only problem with Josh Holloway taking the role is that he doesn’t seem to be taking on many projects since “Lost.” Even if he were approached for the part, I’m not sure if he would accept the role. If he would accept the role then he would be my pick to play the part. He’s got all of the qualities to take on the role especially on such short notice.

Other Choices?

Sure there is a laundry list of other actors that people would love to see as one of their favorite X-Men, but we’d be here all night discussing the choices. As a safe choice, I will say that a lesser known actor may be able to play Gambit. It worked out pretty well for Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. Don’t you think?

Who are some of your choices to play Gambit?

Ryan: Ryan has been fascinated with film and pop culture since childhood. Throughout college he "played it safe" taking the more lucrative route of being a computer programmer while squeezing in film related courses where he could...but even during his post college career, he could never escape his true passion. After following one of his favorite blogs for a long time, he approached the site's Editor about writing and they reluctantly gave him a shot. He later became their Senior Writer which led to a variety of other projects, radio show appearances, features, and high profile celebrity interviews. Despite his success with blogging, he still wanted more so in order to expand his creative addiction, he merged his IT skills and blogging know-how to create FilmFad.com which has continued to grow into a creative Mecca of pop-culture fun and integrity.   ryan@filmfad.com    Film Fad
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