Top 6 Doctor Strange Actors if Phoenix Can’t ‘Walk The Line’

Benedict Cumberbatch in final negotiations for Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange has been confirmed for July 16 and the front runner awaiting confirmation is Joaquin Phoenix.  However, given Phoenix’s history of being absolutely crazy I think it’s a good idea to have a back-up plan just in case he decides to walk the line and gets cold feet.


Benedict Cumberbatch

6. Benedict Cumberbatch

He’s at the top of his game and I think any studio that can fit him into a movie role would jump at the chance to do so.  If Marvel wants to keep the role serious and fill seats with a name then this would be the way to go.  It’s also clear he could carry the role with his voice alone.  Anyone who plays Doctor Strange is going to need to be able to yell non-sense words in an intimidating voice.

Bryan Cranston

5. Bryan Cranston

America misses him and “Godzilla” was not enough to bring back the deep acting we know he can do.  I think if they are looking for an actor who can show Strange’s depth and tragedy in his character then Cranston should have topped the list.  We also know he could carry the voice.  Can’t you just hear mystic mumbo-jumbo in a deep scary Heisenberg voice.

Click to the next page for more…

Jon Hamm

4. Jon Hamm

Another actor America is missing (me not so much, but I get it) would work well if Marvel wanted a pretty-boy Strange.  I can see him as the neurosurgeon but I think if he got mystic on us it might get a bit campy.  I do respect Hamm and would like to see him take some serious roles before he falls as fast as he rose.

Liam Neeson

3. Liam Neeson

He was great in the DC Universe and this is a perfect opportunity for Marvel to steal a great versatile actor.  Again we know his voice can carry a movie.  “I will find you, and I will kill you.”  My only fear here is the Nic Cage reputation he has begun to gather by being in so many movies I cannot afford the booze to get drunk enough to see them all.

Click to the next page for the final two picks!

Dominic West

2. Dominic West

Film Fad’s recent Retro Review of ‘The Wire’ is what put this actor in my mind.  I don’t know why we don’t see him more.  I know he has been in some flops in the past, but I don’t think any were his fault.   His past roles prove he could pull off the egotistical neurosurgeon and I think this would be a great chance to put him back in a leading role on the big screen.

Mel Gibson – WILDCARD!

1. Mel Gibson

WILD CARD!  If we want to replace one crazy actor for another, this is my number one pick.  Like Phoenix I believe his personality has distracted us from the fact that he is still an Oscar winning actor.  I also think that using an older actor for the role would be best for making Strange a sage worthy of respect and reverence for his accomplishments.

Mike: Mike has spent nearly all his life amassing education, degrees, and most of all overwhelming student debt. And none of it has had to do with film. Minus one film class in college, the only experience he has with film is personal exposure due to sheer enjoyment and entertainment. He writes for FilmFad.com partly because of this interest in film, but mostly because he is so narcissistic that he gains great joy from hearing his own opinions. Now that his family and close friends are tired of hearing his opinions he desires to venture out to exhaust new venues with his overly-analytic and trite commentary. Hopefully he finds some success in such blogging, if not, the orderlies will have a lot of writing to clean off of these padded walls.

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  • I have to commend Mike on his thorough and creative list of potential back-up plans for Dr. Strange. Although I don't doubt Phoenix's acting abilities (especially after the movie "Her"), he just doesn't do it for me as Dr. Strange. Some of these actors are obvious choices, such as Benedict Cumberbatch. I mean who doesn't love Sherlock Holmes transitioning into Star Trek and future Disney villains? But my personal favorite that Mike selected ---drum roll please -- has to be Mel Gibson. Mel Gibson has shown that he can carry the magnitude of a charismatic, somewhat unhinged, hero. Also, this is an era where many leading role celebrities are beginning to retire, despite the public's desire to see these actors continue (i.e. Sean Connery, Jack Nicholson, Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, etc.). C'mon, Marvel! Give the public what they want - a WORTHY Oscar-nominated actor, who has nothing better to do than to be in the Expendables movie, get one last chance to show us what he's got! Say it with me now: "They may take away our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!"

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