Horrible Bosses 2 trailer hints comedic mediocrity

Will Horrible 2 be Horrible too?

I saw “Horrible Bosses” when it was released in 2011.  Did I love or hate the movie? No.  Can I remember enough about the movie to give it a good critical appraisal? Also no.  The only thing I can recall was that Jennifer Aniston and Kevin Spacey were in it and it made me chuckle a few times.  I have no recall of plot or witty one-liners, and it’s quite possible that this will be a positive for enjoyment of the sequel “Horrible Bosses 2” (like the title of this article, I also am not impressed by the sequel’s title).

I am also optimistic about the return of most of the cast and the new director, Sean Anders, known for his writing in “Hot Tub Time Machine,” “We’re the Millers,” and the highly anticipated “Dumb and Dumber To” (now there’s a good sequel title).  However, this trailer itself brings out the cynic in me.  Other than filling my mind with an image of a Cleveland Steamer on Jennnifer Aniston, not much has my interest peaked.  As of now, the film looks like it’s trying to be an action-comedy hybrid with cars racing, guns loading and slow motion walking to a Lil Jon soundtrack.  Though there are exceptions, my general feeling toward this increasing genre is that they don’t have a very good track record of turning out great comedies.  But maybe a just okay follow-up to a just okay original is just what they’re trying to accomplish.

Watch the trailer then tell us your thoughts!


Mike: Mike has spent nearly all his life amassing education, degrees, and most of all overwhelming student debt. And none of it has had to do with film. Minus one film class in college, the only experience he has with film is personal exposure due to sheer enjoyment and entertainment. He writes for FilmFad.com partly because of this interest in film, but mostly because he is so narcissistic that he gains great joy from hearing his own opinions. Now that his family and close friends are tired of hearing his opinions he desires to venture out to exhaust new venues with his overly-analytic and trite commentary. Hopefully he finds some success in such blogging, if not, the orderlies will have a lot of writing to clean off of these padded walls.
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