This New Jupiter Ascending trailer looks phenomenal

This third trailer for “Jupiter Ascending” looks incredible!

Just when I was starting to lose faith in “Jupiter Ascending,” this trailer released and blew my mind! It is visually amazing and looks like the production problems they were having may have been resolved. Check out the trailer below!

Words can’t describe how excited I am for this film after that trailer! I hope I’m not building too much hype but from the storytelling to the awe-inspiring visuals, this film looks nothing short of phenomenal! The Wachowski Brothers have had a few hit or miss films after riding on the success of “The Matrix” but “Jupiter Ascending” could be the film to prove that “The Matrix” is not the only chapter in their directorial book.

I’m still hesitant when it comes to Channing Tatum’s character even though I believe he’s more than a surface level actor. The character just looks a bit ridiculous from all of the trailers that I’ve seen but I’m sure we can all warm up to him when we see the film.

What do you think of the trailer? Has this changed your mind about the film?

Ryan: Ryan has been fascinated with film and pop culture since childhood. Throughout college he "played it safe" taking the more lucrative route of being a computer programmer while squeezing in film related courses where he could...but even during his post college career, he could never escape his true passion. After following one of his favorite blogs for a long time, he approached the site's Editor about writing and they reluctantly gave him a shot. He later became their Senior Writer which led to a variety of other projects, radio show appearances, features, and high profile celebrity interviews. Despite his success with blogging, he still wanted more so in order to expand his creative addiction, he merged his IT skills and blogging know-how to create FilmFad.com which has continued to grow into a creative Mecca of pop-culture fun and integrity.   ryan@filmfad.com    Film Fad
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